Universe Show Control

Universe Show Control

We’ve been using the product Universe Show Control for a few years now, and the latest update introduced during COVID is pretty substantial. There interface received an overall update. Feature set has increased quite a bit to include all kinds of control for both...


All we can say is ‘Wow!’ This is truly some tech magic. Once in a blue moon we get to see some tech that truly blows our minds, and this is one of those. The possibilities that this brings to film and XR workflows is truly amazing. GhostFrame combines...
Virtual Scenery in the Cloud

Virtual Scenery in the Cloud

After a solid year of virtual events, we find our clients are always asking us, What’s the latest thing? What’s new? Different? Special? Well, Virtual Scenery in the Cloud is one of those things that can put next-level polish on your event. All you need is...
Cloud Studio with No Compromises

Cloud Studio with No Compromises

One of the requests our clients have made on the higher end is to have a virtual cloud studio without the compromises that we’ve been seeing. We want to have a professional studio, but we don’t want to risk gathering. So, working together with Amarani LLC,...