Streaming at Scale

We are not ones to brag about ourselves, but we do like to talk about tech! We just had an interesting month in January with several large events happening at one time, and we just wanted to share some stats about the tech. Please keep in mind that all of this happened within the same two-week period. 

5 Full virtual production studios 
2 TMG “Broad View” StreamYard Studios
30 TMG crew members across all events
Over 100 virtual cloud computing instances utilizing over 500 vCPU cores 
Over 20 live feeds over a span of 14 days totaling over 100 streamed hours
Over 5 TBs of recorded program feeds and Iso’s in multiple formats. 
Sustained internal network traffic of over 25GBs with over 10 GBs in and outbound traffic
50 Plus TBs of virtualized storage

These pictures show some of our great crew. Thank you all so much for making it such a great start to 2021.

© 2019 Thrasos Media, Inc.